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102 total results found

Payment History

Your Open ACU Account


Inactive Patients

Admin Scheduler Help Patients

Sometimes you need to prevent a patient from making appointments or for your receptionist from do...

Importing Patients

Admin Scheduler Help Patients

You can import patients if you have a CSV file of the patients you wish to add. To Import Patien...

No Appointments Indicator

Patient Portal Help Appointments

When a you pull down the calendar dropdown menu, days with appointments available will be highlig...

Patient Portal: No Available Indicator

Admin Scheduler Help Scheduling

There is a feature on the patient portal that indicates days that have no available appointments....

The Appointment Log

Admin Scheduler Help Reports

Getting to the appointment log. The appointment log opens as a modal window from the context of ...

Patient activity logs

Admin Scheduler Help Patients

All patient activity is logged on the Patient Profile page.  Patient Log The Patient Log shows ...

Include or Omit Insurance Fields on Patient Portal

Admin Scheduler Help Patients

When a patient logs into the patient portal they are given a profile to manage. This profile enab...

The Open ACU Patient Portal

Admin Scheduler Help Patients

Your patients can interact with their account and your clinic through the Open ACU Patient Portal...

Detail TRXN Report

Admin Scheduler Help Reports

The Detail TRXN Report is similar to the Transaction Report in that it shows all transactions for...

Changing Your Payment Method

Your Open ACU Account


Printing Health Records

EHR Help Electronic Health Records

If you need to print a patient's health records, you'll do so from the Patient Profile page.  On...

Viewing Unlocked Records

EHR Help Electronic Health Records

To view a list of health records that have not yet been approved and locked, go to the EHR Appoin...

Reversing a Transaction

Admin Scheduler Help Transactions

Sometimes you create a transaction and there was an error or the credit card failed. In Open ACU ...

Duplicate Patients

Admin Scheduler Help Patients

The Duplicate Patients page shows a list of patients with duplicate names. You can get to this pa...

Conversion of POCA Point Data

Your Open ACU Account

Please do not add locations, users (including practitioners) or real patients before your convers...

Purchasing Tokens and Credits

Admin Scheduler Help Tokens and Credits

Tokens, credits and debits can all be added to a patient's account during the Checkin Transaction...

Recording a note prior to checkin

Admin Scheduler Help Scheduling

If you want to record a note on an appointment prior to the check-in, you'll click on the check-i...

Adding Locations

Your Open ACU Account


Downloading Health Records

EHR Help

Open ACU allows you to download a CSV file of all found records in blocks or searches.  Coming: ...