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102 total results found

Admin Scheduler Help

Open ACU is a schedule and health records online software for acupuncturists. The Open ACU admin ...

Patient Icons

Admin Scheduler Help Patients

On the schedule grid or the All Patients page each patient can have a number of icons displayed w...

Canceling Appointments

Admin Scheduler Help Scheduling

Appointments can be cancelled by an admin under the following rules: If the appointment has no...

Waiting Lists

Admin Scheduler Help Scheduling

Each day / location combination can have a waiting list. Adding a patient to the waiting list F...

Creating New Patients

Admin Scheduler Help Patients

A patient remains "New" until they checkin to their first appointment. Or you uncheck the "new" i...

Patient Profile

Admin Scheduler Help Patients

Each patient has an extensive profile page with a lot of interactive information available. The p...

Squeeze Appointments

Admin Scheduler Help Scheduling

Sometimes you have your schedule set, full of appointments and someone calls. What do you do? Squ...

Checking In

Admin Scheduler Help Scheduling

Once an appointment is set by placing it on a block you are ready for patients to arrive. Upon ar...


Admin Scheduler Help Getting Started

To add or manage a User, click on the Users page from the main menu.  Different user types have ...

Printing Appointment Receipts

Patient Portal Help Your Account

Once your appointments are completed and you've paid you can view your appointment history and pr...


Admin Scheduler Help Getting Started

Open ACU gives all accounts 2 free active locations. You can add a location to your account for $...

The Checkin Transaction

Admin Scheduler Help Scheduling

In Open ACU you cannot edit transactions, checkins or otherwise. When you checkin a patient into...

Treatment Codes

EHR Help Electronic Health Records

Treatment codes are shorthand for the points that a practitioner uses most frequently. Each pract...

Cancelling An Appointment

Patient Portal Help Appointments

Find your appointments. Go to your account page from the user icon on the right at the top. You ...

Treatment Groups

EHR Help Electronic Health Records

Treatment groups are your point combinations. Each practitioner can create their own list of trea...

Retrieving a Lost Password

Patient Portal Help Your Account

With your clinic's Open ACU account you cannot retrieve a lost password because passwords are enc...

Making an Appointment

Patient Portal Help Appointments

First go to the date you want an appointment. On the right hand side of the page, next to the da...

Edit Your Account

Patient Portal Help Your Account

You can change your contact information, notification preferences and more for your Open ACU acco...

Patient Portal Help

Open ACU clinics each have a website for patients to manage their appointments and patient profil...


Admin Scheduler Help

Everything regarding the patient for editing and interacting with the information. You can dow...

EHR Help

For practitioners in the Open ACU system.

Your Open ACU Account

How to manage your Open ACU status, payment history and payment method.

Getting Started

Admin Scheduler Help

All the setup and preparation for opening a new Open ACU account.


Admin Scheduler Help

Creating blocks and appointments on your schedule.

Your Account

Patient Portal Help

Creating an account with your clinic is an easy process.


Patient Portal Help

Making and managing appointments for patients

Electronic Health Records

EHR Help

Use Open ACU to record secure health records.

Signing Up

Patient Portal Help Your Account

Signing up for a patient account with your clinic is an easy process where you enter your email a...

Intake Forms

EHR Help

Setup and send intake forms to your patients


Admin Scheduler Help

How to record and edit transactional information.

Tokens and Credits

Admin Scheduler Help

How to use the tokens and credits systems


Admin Scheduler Help

Making sense of all your data in Open Acu.

Taking Credit Cards

Admin Scheduler Help

Settings and Templates

Admin Scheduler Help Getting Started

Your settings page is where you set your application preferences, templates and rules for your ac...

Day Notification

Admin Scheduler Help Scheduling

You can use the Day Notification to alert your patients and staff to any pertinent information th...