Recently Updated Pages

Recording the check-in transaction

All transactional information related to an appointment can be recorded when you check in a patie...

Manually changing credit/debit and token balances

Note: to see how to add tokens, credits or debits to a patient account during a checkin or purcha...

Editing a transaction

In Open ACU you cannot edit transactions, checkins or otherwise. To edit a transaction you’ve al...

Appointment Report

The Appointment Report shows all appointments for a given range. When running an appointment repo...

Cancelation Report

The Cancelation Report shows all canceled appointments for a given range. To run a cancelation re...

Tokens and Credits Overview

Tokens and Credits are a way to track account balances for individual patients. Tokens Tokens r...

Using tokens and credits for payments and fees

Using for payments Patients have the option of using tokens and/or credits to pay for their trea...

Purchasing Tokens and Credits

Tokens, credits and debits can all be added to a patient's account during the Checkin Transaction...

Reversing a Transaction

Sometimes you create a transaction and there was an error or the credit card failed. In Open ACU ...

Detail TRXN Report

The Detail TRXN Report is similar to the Transaction Report in that it shows all transactions for...

Entering EHR Notes

You'll enter your EHR notes from the EHR By Block page or the EHR Appointments page. Here's a qu...

Viewing Unlocked Records

To view a list of health records that have not yet been approved and locked, go to the EHR Appoin...

Viewing Treatment History

You can view a patient’s treatment history, including notes entered by any practitioner for all p...

Adding Locations


Changing Your Payment Method


Payment History


Viewing Intake Forms

Note: Intake Form responses can only be viewed by Users with Practitioner level permission.  On ...

Treatment Groups

Treatment groups are your point combinations. Each practitioner can create their own list of trea...

Treatment Codes

Treatment codes are shorthand for the points that a practitioner uses most frequently. Each pract...

EHR Appointments Page

The EHR Appointments page is where practitioners can enter their EHR notes. Notes can also be ent...