Recently Updated Pages

Downloading Patient Email Addresses

You can easily download a list of patient email addresses from the Patient Return Rate report, lo...

Sending Intake Form Links

Intake form links can be sent to new patients both automatically and manually. Automatic To aut...

Check in without recording a transaction

You can check in a patient without recording a transaction by enabling the checkin without transa...

Practitioner Reports

There are two practitioner reports that can be accessed from the Dashboard: the Totals Summary an...

Printable Transaction Statement for a Patient

From the patient's profile page you can print a styled and branded transaction statement for pati...


Open ACU gives all accounts 2 free active locations. You can add a location to your account for $...

Add Practitioner Bios to Patient Portal

You can add your practitioners (and owners) biographies to your patient portal site.  To add Bio...

Transaction Report

The Transaction Report shows all transactions for a given range. When running a transaction repor...

Text message appointment reminders

Your clinic has the option to send SMS/text message appointment reminders in addition to email re...

Text Reminders: Codes Key

If you have text reminders with your Open ACU account you can edit the verbiage in the messages s...

Users Who Can Enter Records

In Open ACU only owners and practitioners can enter health records. To allow a practitioner or...

Downloading Health Records

Open ACU allows you to download a CSV file of all found records in blocks or searches.  Coming: ...

Patient Profile

Each patient has an extensive profile page with a lot of interactive information available. The p...

Patient Icons

On the schedule grid or the All Patients page each patient can have a number of icons displayed w...

Duplicate Patients

The Duplicate Patients page shows a list of patients with duplicate names. You can get to this pa...

Inactive Patients

Sometimes you need to prevent a patient from making appointments or for your receptionist from do...

Patient activity logs

All patient activity is logged on the Patient Profile page.  Patient Log The Patient Log shows ...

Importing Patients

You can import patients if you have a CSV file of the patients you wish to add. To Import Patien...

Patient Portal: No Available Indicator

There is subtle new feature on the patient portal that indicates days that have no available appo...

Making an Appointment

First go to the date you want an appointment. On the right top, under your login name there are ...