Recently Updated Pages

Small Calendar Dropdown No Appointments Indicator

There is subtle new feature on the patient portal that indicates days that have no available appo...

The Appointment Log

Getting to the appointment log. The appointment log opens as a modal window from the context of ...

Saving Block Styles and Using Them

You can save any existing block to be used again on any other day or location. This includes the ...

Printing Health Records

If you need to print a patient's health records, you'll do so from the Patient Profile page.  On...

Sorting blocks

If you have multiple blocks on one day, they can be sorted either alphabetically or chronological...

Recording a note prior to checkin

If you want to record a note on an appointment prior to the check-in, you'll click on the check-i...

Conversion of POCA Point Data

Please do not add locations, users (including practitioners) or real patients before your convers...

The Open ACU Patient Portal

Your patients can interact with their account and your clinic through the Open ACU Patient Portal...

Recording the check-in transaction

All transactional information related to an appointment can be recorded when you check in a patie...

Manually changing credit/debit and token balances

Note: to see how to add tokens, credits or debits to a patient account during a checkin or purcha...

Patient announcement template

Below is a patient email template you can use to to notify patients about your new scheduler. We ...

Editing a transaction

In Open ACU you cannot edit transactions, checkins or otherwise. To edit a transaction you’ve al...

Recording a transaction without a check-in

To record a transaction that isn’t connected with an appointment, you’ll use the Purchase Transac...

Appointment Report

The Appointment Report shows all appointments for a given range. When running an appointment repo...

Cancelation Report

The Cancelation Report shows all canceled appointments for a given range. To run a cancelation re...

Tokens and Credits Overview

Tokens and Credits are a way to track account balances for individual patients. Tokens Tokens r...

Using tokens and credits for payments and fees

Using for payments Patients have the option of using tokens and/or credits to pay for their trea...

Purchasing Tokens and Credits

Tokens, credits and debits can all be added to a patient's account during the Checkin Transaction...

Reversing a Transaction

Sometimes you create a transaction and there was an error or the credit card failed. In Open ACU ...

Detail TRXN Report

The Detail TRXN Report is similar to the Transaction Report in that it shows all transactions for...