
Creating blocks and appointments on your schedule.


Blocks are the shifts within your schedule. When you create Blocks, you'll assign a practitioner,...

Saving Block Styles and Using Them

Any block can be used as a template of sorts, saving that block as a block style. Block styles in...

Scheduling an appointment

If you have not created any blocks, please do so prior to scheduling any appointments. Open ACU l...

Checking In

Once an appointment is set by placing it on a block you are ready for patients to arrive. Upon ar...

The Checkin Transaction

In Open ACU you cannot edit transactions, checkins or otherwise. When you checkin a patient into...

Check in without recording a transaction

You can check in a patient without recording a transaction by enabling the checkin without transa...

Canceling Appointments

Appointments can be cancelled by an admin under the following rules: If the appointment has no...

Waiting Lists

Each day / location combination can have a waiting list. Adding a patient to the waiting list F...

Squeeze Appointments

Sometimes you have your schedule set, full of appointments and someone calls. What do you do? Squ...

Day Notification

You can use the Day Notification to alert your patients and staff to any pertinent information th...

Recording a note prior to checkin

If you want to record a note on an appointment prior to the check-in, you'll click on the check-i...

Text message appointment reminders

Your clinic has the option to send SMS/text message appointment reminders in addition to email re...

Text Reminders: Codes Key

If you have text reminders with your Open ACU account you can edit the verbiage in the messages s...

Reverse A Checked-In & Paid-For Appointment

An Open ACU appointment is either checked-in or not checked-in. The payment for an appointment is...

Move an appointment with drag and drop

If you want to move an appointment to a different time within the same Block, you can do so throu...


To create a Telehealth Service, you’ll add it on your Services page. Check the “Telehealth” check...

Patient Portal: No Available Indicator

There is a feature on the patient portal that indicates days that have no available appointments....